How Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Art Projects

How Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Art Projects

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Paper cutters and trimmers are devices created for cutting paper. A paper cutter is designed to cut huge stacks of paper at one time. It has a large, straight blade that is attached to a lever arm. In order to make a cut, the user pulls the lever. The machine is best for high-volume cutting projects, and it is also able to cut through thick materials such as cardboard.

Paper trimmers are usually designed for precision cutting of individual sheets of paper. A paper trimmer can be built like a paper cutter, or it can have a rotary blade or small guillotine blade on a hinged arm that moves along a track to make straight cuts. They handle lighter workloads than paper cutters, and are appropriate for thin stacks. 

School teachers can efficiently use paper cutters and trimmers for a variety of art projects in the classroom. These tools are beneficial for art teachers because of their precise and clean cuts, ability to cut big sheets of paper, safety features, and ease of use. Paper cutters and trimmers generate precise edges because of their sharp blades that slice through paper neatly without tearing. Their sharpness ensures a smooth cut with minimal resistance. 

In addition to cutting standard, letter-sized (8.5” x 11”) paper, these machines can cut oversized paper. For example, large paper cutters can cut A2 (16.54” x 23.39”) paper, which is used for posters, artwork, and design layouts. Trimmers can accommodate tabloid paper (11” x 17”), which is used for presentations and brochures. 

Both paper cutters and trimmers have safety features like blade guards, finger protectors, and locking mechanisms. These elements make them safer than loose blades or scissors, and are ideal to use when there are younger art students in the classroom. 

These devices are easy to operate because minimal force is required. While scissors demand repetitive squeezing, paper cutters need little physical force. Lever-style paper cutters utilize leverage, and this achieves effortless and consistent cuts. Also, trimming massive quantities of paper manually can cause hand strain. However, paper trimmers require less repetitive motion, which makes it easier on the hands and wrists, especially for art teachers who prep materials frequently. 

Here are 5 Ways Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Art Projects:

Martin Yale WC36 Paper Trimmer

1. Elementary School Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers to Design Greeting Cards and Posters

Elementary school art teachers instruct students on how to design greeting cards and posters. Students construct their own customized cards and posters for specific occasions, and include special themes or messages. This project lets students express themselves artistically, and allows them to develop drawing and communication skills.These teachers introduce basic design elements like layout, color, and typography. 

Elementary school art teachers can use paper cutters to assist students to prepare poster backgrounds or create greeting card bases. Paper cutters are durable, and can cut through heavy poster board as well as large cardstock sheets. Because paper trimmers have precise cutting abilities, they are fantastic for producing clean edges on greeting cards, or adding elaborate details to poster boards.  

2. Middle School Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Matting and Framing Artwork

Middle school art teachers demonstrate matting and framing artwork to their students. These instructors teach students how to present their artwork in a sophisticated manner. Students learn how to elevate their art by mounting it within a mat, which is a border around the art that is a buffer between the artwork and the frame. Mat boards usually are a color that complements the artwork they encase, and help it stand out. These teachers also direct students to make frames from scratch. 

Middle school art teachers can use paper cutters and trimmers to cut through mat boards and thick cardstock. While mat boards can be utilized for students’ mats, thick cardstock can be used to make frames for students’ artwork. Paper trimmers are suitable for trimming around smaller artworks. Both of these tools make sure that students’ art fits correctly into their mats and frames. 

3. High School Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Creating Collages and Mixed Media Art

High school art teachers educate their students on how to create collages and mixed media art. Collage is an art technique that involves assembling pieces of paper, photographs, magazines, newspaper clippings, or other two dimensional (2D) materials onto a surface. Mixed media is a similar art technique that combines traditional collage elements; different art mediums such as paint, ink, textiles, sand, yarn, and found objects; and three dimensional (3D) materials onto a surface like paper or cardboard. 

High school art teachers should use paper cutters and trimmers for these activities since they are excellent devices for cutting images or text from old photos, magazines, and newspapers. They ensure clean lines and make student’s work more cohesive. Furthermore, these devices can cut patterned paper and textured materials for layering in collages and mixed media art. 

4. College and University Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Sculpture Elements

College and university art teachers guide their students on how to build art sculptures. These professors educate them on how to produce artwork that occupies physical space. Students understand how a piece of art interacts with its environment, and how viewers move around and engage with it. This art project inspires college students to explore form, texture, materiality, and spatial relationships. 

Art professors in higher education can show students how to use paper cutters and trimmers instead of scissors for sculpture projects. Students can use them to cut slits into pieces of cardstock, cardboard, or foam board so that they can be slotted together to form an interlocking, free-standing sculpture. Consistency is important when putting together components of sculptures, and these devices will allow students’ pieces to fit together seamlessly. 

5. School Administration Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Bulletin Board Displays 

School administrators at elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges supervise daily operations, academic programs, policy implementation, and overall functioning of their educational institution. It includes principals, vice principals, department heads, presidents, vice presidents of academic affairs, and deans. They support teaching, learning, and student development.

School administration can utilize paper cutters and trimmers to create bulletin boards for school offices. For example, administrators can cut paper, posters, or announcements to precise sizes, and then hang them on bulletin boards. This establishes pristine, professional-looking displays that exhibit valuable information like schedules, policies, or upcoming events. 

Check Out Our Paper Cutters and Trimmers

The Formax Cut-True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter

Formax Cut-True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter

Our Formax Cut-True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter can cut paper stacks up to 16.9” wide, and up to 1.77” high. A semi-automatic paper cutter is a machine that has both manual and automated features. It is faster than a manual paper cutter. In order to use the machine, the user has to place the paper manually and adjust the back gauge. The back gauge is a mechanism that positions the paper at the desired cutting point. 

Although paper positioning is by hand, the cutting action is automated. To cut, the user has to press two buttons with both hands. This allows their hands to be safely away from the cutting blade during the procedure, and reduces accidents. When the two buttons are engaged, the blade moves down and smoothly cuts the stack. 

The MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8” Paper Cutter

MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8" Paper Cutter

Our MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8” Paper Cutter can cut paper stacks up to 16.8” wide and up to 1.5” high. Unlike the Formax Cut True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter, this machine is fully automated. This means that the paper stack is positioned and cut with little user input, and the back gauge and cutting action are controlled electronically. Additionally, the paper cutter comes with a bright LED light that projects a straight line across the paper stack. The line denotes where the blade will cut.

Along with making accurate cuts, the MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8” Paper Cutter is safe. In fact, it has a SCS Safety Cutting System (SCS) that consists of an electronic, transparent safety shield, a safety switch and lock, and a disc brake that instantly stops the blade. These attributes prevent accidents, and accomplish safe, efficient cutting. 

The Martin Yale Premier WC36 Paper Trimmer

Martin Yale Premier WC36 Paper Trimmer

Our Martin Yale Premier WC36 Paper Trimmer can trim up to 20 sheets of paper. Because the trimmer can take in paper 36.5” in length, it can cut large sheets of materials. In conjunction with paper, the trimmer can slice through mat board, film, tissue, textiles, and cardboard. There is also a convenient 1/2" grid with standard and metric rulers on its base, so users can easily measure and align paper.

The trimmer has a heavy-duty 3/4" thick maple wooden base for stability, and an ergonomic soft-grip knife handle. Maple wood has a reputation for strength and durability. The thickness of the base reduces warping over time, and is perfect for educational environments. The handle is molded to fit comfortably in the user’s hand, and relieves hand strain during use. The ergonomic shape allocates pressure evenly across the hand, and lessens fatigue over long periods of trimming. 

The MBM Triumph 1158 Paper Trimmer

MBM Triumph 1158 Paper Trimmer

Our MBM Triumph 1158 Paper Trimmer can trim up to 50 sheets of paper at once, and has a cutting length of 22.5.” It provides a high level of safety with its clear Lexan safety guard that is moveable and covers the blade in each position. Lexan is a transparent polycarbonate material that is resistant to impact. It is stronger than glass and plastics, and can withstand pressure without shattering. 

The trimmer has a hand clamp that moves separately from the blade handle. The front gauge, which positions the paper for cutting, has a calibrated rotary knob with a fine adjustment scale for more accurate alignment without error. Moreover, the device has non-skid rubber feet that help keep the trimmer securely in place while cutting paper.

Paper cutters and trimmers are devices created for cutting paper. A paper cutter is designed to cut huge stacks of paper at one time. It has a large, straight blade that is attached to a lever arm. In order to make a cut, the user pulls the lever. The machine is best for high-volume cutting projects, and it is also able to cut through thick materials such as cardboard.

Paper trimmers are usually designed for precision cutting of individual sheets of paper. A paper trimmer can be built like a paper cutter, or it can have a rotary blade or small guillotine blade on a hinged arm that moves along a track to make straight cuts. They handle lighter workloads than paper cutters, and are appropriate for thin stacks. 

School teachers can efficiently use paper cutters and trimmers for a variety of art projects in the classroom. These tools are beneficial for art teachers because of their precise and clean cuts, ability to cut big sheets of paper, safety features, and ease of use. Paper cutters and trimmers generate precise edges because of their sharp blades that slice through paper neatly without tearing. Their sharpness ensures a smooth cut with minimal resistance. 

In addition to cutting standard, letter-sized (8.5” x 11”) paper, these machines can cut oversized paper. For example, large paper cutters can cut A2 (16.54” x 23.39”) paper, which is used for posters, artwork, and design layouts. Trimmers can accommodate tabloid paper (11” x 17”), which is used for presentations and brochures. 

Both paper cutters and trimmers have safety features like blade guards, finger protectors, and locking mechanisms. These elements make them safer than loose blades or scissors, and are ideal to use when there are younger art students in the classroom. 

These devices are easy to operate because minimal force is required. While scissors demand repetitive squeezing, paper cutters need little physical force. Lever-style paper cutters utilize leverage, and this achieves effortless and consistent cuts. Also, trimming massive quantities of paper manually can cause hand strain. However, paper trimmers require less repetitive motion, which makes it easier on the hands and wrists, especially for art teachers who prep materials frequently. 

Here are 5 Ways Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Art Projects:

Martin Yale WC36 Paper Trimmer

1. Elementary School Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers to Design Greeting Cards and Posters

Elementary school art teachers instruct students on how to design greeting cards and posters. Students construct their own customized cards and posters for specific occasions, and include special themes or messages. This project lets students express themselves artistically, and allows them to develop drawing and communication skills.These teachers introduce basic design elements like layout, color, and typography. 

Elementary school art teachers can use paper cutters to assist students to prepare poster backgrounds or create greeting card bases. Paper cutters are durable, and can cut through heavy poster board as well as large cardstock sheets. Because paper trimmers have precise cutting abilities, they are fantastic for producing clean edges on greeting cards, or adding elaborate details to poster boards.  

2. Middle School Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Matting and Framing Artwork

Middle school art teachers demonstrate matting and framing artwork to their students. These instructors teach students how to present their artwork in a sophisticated manner. Students learn how to elevate their art by mounting it within a mat, which is a border around the art that is a buffer between the artwork and the frame. Mat boards usually are a color that complements the artwork they encase, and help it stand out. These teachers also direct students to make frames from scratch. 

Middle school art teachers can use paper cutters and trimmers to cut through mat boards and thick cardstock. While mat boards can be utilized for students’ mats, thick cardstock can be used to make frames for students’ artwork. Paper trimmers are suitable for trimming around smaller artworks. Both of these tools make sure that students’ art fits correctly into their mats and frames. 

3. High School Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Creating Collages and Mixed Media Art

High school art teachers educate their students on how to create collages and mixed media art. Collage is an art technique that involves assembling pieces of paper, photographs, magazines, newspaper clippings, or other two dimensional (2D) materials onto a surface. Mixed media is a similar art technique that combines traditional collage elements; different art mediums such as paint, ink, textiles, sand, yarn, and found objects; and three dimensional (3D) materials onto a surface like paper or cardboard. 

High school art teachers should use paper cutters and trimmers for these activities since they are excellent devices for cutting images or text from old photos, magazines, and newspapers. They ensure clean lines and make student’s work more cohesive. Furthermore, these devices can cut patterned paper and textured materials for layering in collages and mixed media art. 

4. College and University Art Teachers Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Sculpture Elements

College and university art teachers guide their students on how to build art sculptures. These professors educate them on how to produce artwork that occupies physical space. Students understand how a piece of art interacts with its environment, and how viewers move around and engage with it. This art project inspires college students to explore form, texture, materiality, and spatial relationships. 

Art professors in higher education can show students how to use paper cutters and trimmers instead of scissors for sculpture projects. Students can use them to cut slits into pieces of cardstock, cardboard, or foam board so that they can be slotted together to form an interlocking, free-standing sculpture. Consistency is important when putting together components of sculptures, and these devices will allow students’ pieces to fit together seamlessly. 

5. School Administration Can Use Paper Cutters and Trimmers for Bulletin Board Displays 

School administrators at elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges supervise daily operations, academic programs, policy implementation, and overall functioning of their educational institution. It includes principals, vice principals, department heads, presidents, vice presidents of academic affairs, and deans. They support teaching, learning, and student development.

School administration can utilize paper cutters and trimmers to create bulletin boards for school offices. For example, administrators can cut paper, posters, or announcements to precise sizes, and then hang them on bulletin boards. This establishes pristine, professional-looking displays that exhibit valuable information like schedules, policies, or upcoming events. 

Check Out Our Paper Cutters and Trimmers

The Formax Cut-True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter

Formax Cut-True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter

Our Formax Cut-True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter can cut paper stacks up to 16.9” wide, and up to 1.77” high. A semi-automatic paper cutter is a machine that has both manual and automated features. It is faster than a manual paper cutter. In order to use the machine, the user has to place the paper manually and adjust the back gauge. The back gauge is a mechanism that positions the paper at the desired cutting point. 

Although paper positioning is by hand, the cutting action is automated. To cut, the user has to press two buttons with both hands. This allows their hands to be safely away from the cutting blade during the procedure, and reduces accidents. When the two buttons are engaged, the blade moves down and smoothly cuts the stack. 

The MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8” Paper Cutter

MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8" Paper Cutter

Our MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8” Paper Cutter can cut paper stacks up to 16.8” wide and up to 1.5” high. Unlike the Formax Cut True 23S Semi-Automatic Guillotine Paper Cutter, this machine is fully automated. This means that the paper stack is positioned and cut with little user input, and the back gauge and cutting action are controlled electronically. Additionally, the paper cutter comes with a bright LED light that projects a straight line across the paper stack. The line denotes where the blade will cut.

Along with making accurate cuts, the MBM Triumph 4350 Automatic 16.8” Paper Cutter is safe. In fact, it has a SCS Safety Cutting System (SCS) that consists of an electronic, transparent safety shield, a safety switch and lock, and a disc brake that instantly stops the blade. These attributes prevent accidents, and accomplish safe, efficient cutting. 

The Martin Yale Premier WC36 Paper Trimmer

Martin Yale Premier WC36 Paper Trimmer

Our Martin Yale Premier WC36 Paper Trimmer can trim up to 20 sheets of paper. Because the trimmer can take in paper 36.5” in length, it can cut large sheets of materials. In conjunction with paper, the trimmer can slice through mat board, film, tissue, textiles, and cardboard. There is also a convenient 1/2" grid with standard and metric rulers on its base, so users can easily measure and align paper.

The trimmer has a heavy-duty 3/4" thick maple wooden base for stability, and an ergonomic soft-grip knife handle. Maple wood has a reputation for strength and durability. The thickness of the base reduces warping over time, and is perfect for educational environments. The handle is molded to fit comfortably in the user’s hand, and relieves hand strain during use. The ergonomic shape allocates pressure evenly across the hand, and lessens fatigue over long periods of trimming. 

The MBM Triumph 1158 Paper Trimmer

MBM Triumph 1158 Paper Trimmer

Our MBM Triumph 1158 Paper Trimmer can trim up to 50 sheets of paper at once, and has a cutting length of 22.5.” It provides a high level of safety with its clear Lexan safety guard that is moveable and covers the blade in each position. Lexan is a transparent polycarbonate material that is resistant to impact. It is stronger than glass and plastics, and can withstand pressure without shattering. 

The trimmer has a hand clamp that moves separately from the blade handle. The front gauge, which positions the paper for cutting, has a calibrated rotary knob with a fine adjustment scale for more accurate alignment without error. Moreover, the device has non-skid rubber feet that help keep the trimmer securely in place while cutting paper.


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