What To Put & What Not To Put On A Business Card

What To Put & What Not To Put On A Business Card

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Business cards have been used by organizations all across the world for a number of centuries. Even with everything in the world seeming to turn far more digital, the need for business cards does not seem to be slowing down. 

In the U.S. alone, around 10 billion business cards are printed on an annual basis. That is over 833 million a month, and over 27,000,000 a day. In fact, according to a survey, firms tend to see a 25% sales increase for every 2,000 business cards they hand out (according to Graphics Zoo)

So with business cards being such an incredible tool for businesses to grow, it is super important that businesses get their designs and mock-ups spot on. In this article, we will look at what exactly you should be putting on your business card designs, and what you should avoid putting on them. This should help you to print effective cards.  

Why Do Companies Use Business Cards? 

There are a number of different reasons why so many businesses trust using business cards. One of the main reasons is that they are an extremely fast and effective way of marketing your business, and provide potential customers with important contact information that could potentially lead to a sale or customer relationship. 

Business cards are also a brilliant way for small businesses to make a quick first impression, and add a personal touch to a business conversation. Making a good first impression is key in all realms of business as your first impression is more often than not a lasting impression. Usually, handing out personal business cards is accompanied by a conversation and a handshake. This means you typically get a chance to connect with clients before handing them your own business card with all your information and contact details.

In addition, business cards are also effective marketing materials that can help increase business and overall sales. As we stated previously, using business cards can help increase sales by as much as 25%. This is huge for businesses, especially new business and small business owners, as it can help them bring in new clients.  

What You Should Always Put On A Business Card

business card exchange

There are a number of different things that you see on a standard business card. However, to have the most effective business card possible, you must also consider design ideas. Here are the things that you should have on your business card: 

Business Name & Logo

Whether it is on the front or back of your business card, both your company name and company logo should be a striking design element. This is because these two things are the main focal points of your brand identity. By adding your name and logo, you are making your company recognizable in an instant. The card looks less like a piece of paper with a load of information on it, and looks more like an effective marketing tool.

Phone Number & Physical Address 

Both your direct phone number, website URL, and physical address are important pieces of information that you should always have on your business card templates. That is because these are very standard pieces of information that will help a potential customer get in contact with you. Without the addition of these essential contact details and web addresses, there will be no way for your potential clients to get in touch with you.

Social Media Handles 

With all types of businesses becoming far more digitalized and reliant on the power of technology, it is a very good idea to add social media platforms and handles to your business cards. Adding these will give the holder of the card another avenue of finding your business, and can potentially encourage a lead or purchase

QR Code

This is a business card trend that has become increasingly popular over recent years. The addition of a QR code on your business card offers an effortless way for your customers to access your website, brochure, social platforms, or any other platforms you would give them access to. Simply scanning the QR code with a phone camera will bring up a direct link to whatever you choose, and will make contacting or purchasing so much simpler for your customer.

What You Should Avoid With Business Cards

bespoke business card

There are also a number of different things that you should avoid when designing business cards. Avoiding these things will make your cards more effective.

Black & White Color Scheme

One thing that you should stay away from when thinking about the designs of your business cards is adopting a very bland and basic black-and-white color scheme. Black and white cards, and cards with too much white space are ten times more likely to be thrown away than more colorful and bright cards. Adding more color to your card will not only make it more distinctive; it will also make it far more memorable.

Including Outdated Information 

Creating business cards that have either false or outdated contact details are counterproductive. While you are providing clients with a card that seemingly has all your details on it, if the details are incorrect, then they will never be able to actually get back in contact with you or find you. This, therefore, makes the card a complete waste of money and resources.

Low-Quality Images 

If you are investing in business cards then it is important to invest in high-quality ones. No one wants to receive a business card that they can barely read due to low-quality imaging. Make sure that the imagery on your business cards is legible and of good quality. This will ensure that your cards will not be immediately thrown away.

Spelling Errors 

Spelling errors on a business card can be catastrophic. One study has shown that 42% of people who choose to not do any business with companies made this decision due to the companies’ spelling errors. This, therefore, shows the importance of making sure there are no errors. In addition, typos or errors within the contact details could also make the details inaccurate. For example, just one error in the zip code could take someone to the completely wrong location.

Business Card Cutters At Whitaker Brothers 

business card cutters at Whitaker Brothers

Here at Whitaker Brothers, we have all of the tools to help make manufacturing your own business cards far more simple. Our high-quality business card cutters are suitable for a variety of businesses, from small independent retailers to huge major organizations. Shop our amazing collection of business card cutters today, and help promote your company with premium business cards.

Business cards have been used by organizations all across the world for a number of centuries. Even with everything in the world seeming to turn far more digital, the need for business cards does not seem to be slowing down. 

In the U.S. alone, around 10 billion business cards are printed on an annual basis. That is over 833 million a month, and over 27,000,000 a day. In fact, according to a survey, firms tend to see a 25% sales increase for every 2,000 business cards they hand out (according to Graphics Zoo)

So with business cards being such an incredible tool for businesses to grow, it is super important that businesses get their designs and mock-ups spot on. In this article, we will look at what exactly you should be putting on your business card designs, and what you should avoid putting on them. This should help you to print effective cards.  

Why Do Companies Use Business Cards? 

There are a number of different reasons why so many businesses trust using business cards. One of the main reasons is that they are an extremely fast and effective way of marketing your business, and provide potential customers with important contact information that could potentially lead to a sale or customer relationship. 

Business cards are also a brilliant way for small businesses to make a quick first impression, and add a personal touch to a business conversation. Making a good first impression is key in all realms of business as your first impression is more often than not a lasting impression. Usually, handing out personal business cards is accompanied by a conversation and a handshake. This means you typically get a chance to connect with clients before handing them your own business card with all your information and contact details.

In addition, business cards are also effective marketing materials that can help increase business and overall sales. As we stated previously, using business cards can help increase sales by as much as 25%. This is huge for businesses, especially new business and small business owners, as it can help them bring in new clients.  

What You Should Always Put On A Business Card

business card exchange

There are a number of different things that you see on a standard business card. However, to have the most effective business card possible, you must also consider design ideas. Here are the things that you should have on your business card: 

Business Name & Logo

Whether it is on the front or back of your business card, both your company name and company logo should be a striking design element. This is because these two things are the main focal points of your brand identity. By adding your name and logo, you are making your company recognizable in an instant. The card looks less like a piece of paper with a load of information on it, and looks more like an effective marketing tool.

Phone Number & Physical Address 

Both your direct phone number, website URL, and physical address are important pieces of information that you should always have on your business card templates. That is because these are very standard pieces of information that will help a potential customer get in contact with you. Without the addition of these essential contact details and web addresses, there will be no way for your potential clients to get in touch with you.

Social Media Handles 

With all types of businesses becoming far more digitalized and reliant on the power of technology, it is a very good idea to add social media platforms and handles to your business cards. Adding these will give the holder of the card another avenue of finding your business, and can potentially encourage a lead or purchase

QR Code

This is a business card trend that has become increasingly popular over recent years. The addition of a QR code on your business card offers an effortless way for your customers to access your website, brochure, social platforms, or any other platforms you would give them access to. Simply scanning the QR code with a phone camera will bring up a direct link to whatever you choose, and will make contacting or purchasing so much simpler for your customer.

What You Should Avoid With Business Cards

bespoke business card

There are also a number of different things that you should avoid when designing business cards. Avoiding these things will make your cards more effective.

Black & White Color Scheme

One thing that you should stay away from when thinking about the designs of your business cards is adopting a very bland and basic black-and-white color scheme. Black and white cards, and cards with too much white space are ten times more likely to be thrown away than more colorful and bright cards. Adding more color to your card will not only make it more distinctive; it will also make it far more memorable.

Including Outdated Information 

Creating business cards that have either false or outdated contact details are counterproductive. While you are providing clients with a card that seemingly has all your details on it, if the details are incorrect, then they will never be able to actually get back in contact with you or find you. This, therefore, makes the card a complete waste of money and resources.

Low-Quality Images 

If you are investing in business cards then it is important to invest in high-quality ones. No one wants to receive a business card that they can barely read due to low-quality imaging. Make sure that the imagery on your business cards is legible and of good quality. This will ensure that your cards will not be immediately thrown away.

Spelling Errors 

Spelling errors on a business card can be catastrophic. One study has shown that 42% of people who choose to not do any business with companies made this decision due to the companies’ spelling errors. This, therefore, shows the importance of making sure there are no errors. In addition, typos or errors within the contact details could also make the details inaccurate. For example, just one error in the zip code could take someone to the completely wrong location.

Business Card Cutters At Whitaker Brothers 

business card cutters at Whitaker Brothers

Here at Whitaker Brothers, we have all of the tools to help make manufacturing your own business cards far more simple. Our high-quality business card cutters are suitable for a variety of businesses, from small independent retailers to huge major organizations. Shop our amazing collection of business card cutters today, and help promote your company with premium business cards.



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