All printers/copiers utilize toner, also known as ink, to do their job. But that toner is a quiet poison to the fold rollers of a paper folder. Allowing toner buildup initially causes slippage and hiccups. Eventually the delicate rubber folder rollers warp and crack, rendering your folder worthless. A single on site technician repair call costs close to $300 which represents a healthy percentage of the total cost of a brand new paper folder. But it doesn't have to be this way.
Whitaker Brothers has created a kit that allows the user to preform basic maintenance themselves and prevent the need for service calls. This preventative maintenance kit includes Whitaker Brothers' Roller Cleaner spray, a residue-free applicator pad, a replacement primary feed wheel, and gloves to protect the user from toner stains. We also include full instructions for usage and care of your new machine. Regular use of the preventative maintenance kit is guaranteed to extend the overall lifespan of your paper folder.